EU-MAT, the European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies, together with the Alliance for Materials (A4M) have recently released a reflection paper on “The role of Materials in the post-COVID society“. It addresses these roles and summarizes positioning, potential solutions, and recommendations towards Horizon Europe, the next framework program in the post-COVID scenario. Make it yours!

Download & read the reflection paper
How can materials enable solutions for a healthy, safe, and resilient society to achieve a sustainable, stable, and stronger economy, able to respond to citizen’s demand in the future? Click here to download the reflection paper & learn
- how the materials community has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic
- the solutions it proposes to address the challenges of the post-COVID society
- the recommendations it gives for future publicly funded research on materials at the European, national or regional levels.
EU-MAT, the European Technological Platform on Advanced Materials & an associate partner of the NOBEL project, is at the core of the Alliance 4 Health initiative, which promotes a global position and competitiveness of the European technology in the area of Advanced Engineering Materials. Materials are everywhere, including in healthcare: they are key to find solutions to the great societal challenges of today and tomorrow, and to promote the consolidated and unified R&D&I European policy in this area. Notably, the paper compiles existing Strategic Research Agendas (SRAs) of different materials stakeholders, in the specific context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. It puts forward proposals for strategic research and innovation activities to the European Commission, Member States, and the European Parliament, taking into account the objectives of the Green Deal Priorities and Recovery Plan.
Bridging the materials & healthcare communities
The NOBEL Project covers a wide range of technologies with applications in medicine, from precision engineering to smart connected HealthTech, and from academic research to healthcare practices. We have created a European ecosystem for the synergy of HealthTech, including indeed materials innovation for healthcare. We have notably released a fact-sheet detailing how advanced materials contribute to healthcare, endorsed by EU-Mat and the European Society for Biomaterials. More generally, the NOBEL Project has recently initiated HealthTech4EU, an important strategic Alliance including 8 European Technology Organisations in Europe, including EU-MAT, aiming to become a one-stop shop providing innovative solutions to tackle complexes medical challenges. Stay tuned!