The current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been declared by WHO as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern according to the International Health Regulation.
It is crucial to rapidly gain a better understanding of the newly identified virus, especially in relation to potential clinical and public health measures that can be put to immediate use to improve patients’ health and/or contain the spread of COVID-19.
Collaboration of private companies, academia, international organisations, public bodies etc. has the potential to accelerate the development of therapeutics and diagnostics to tackle this current and future outbreaks. The actions resulting from this call will contribute to the pan-European efforts responding to this Public Health Emergency.
IMI has launched EUR 45 million Call on coronavirus (more info here)
IMI has launched a fast-track, single stage Call for proposals to address the development of therapeutics and diagnostics to tackle current and future coronavirus outbreaks.
How can you find Partners?
Knowing the great help that all emerging health technologies might bring to this critical medical challenge of the fight against COVID-19, the NOBEL Project strongly encourages its Community to participate in the constitution of efficient consortia to answer this IMI Call #21. If you are interested in joining currently forming consortia but lack contacts, you should definitely have a careful look at the list of institutions looking for partners here on the E.C. portal.
IMI2 – Call 21 description
Call ID: H2020-JTI-IMI2-2020-21-single-stage
Action Type: RIA – Research and Innovation Actions
Scope: Considering that this is a newly-identified virus, the scope of this topic remains broad and must address at least one of the following objectives:
- development of antivirals as well as other types of therapeutics to address a rapid response to the current COVID-19 outbreak;
- development of therapeutics to address the current and/or future coronavirus outbreaks;
- development of diagnostics, ensuring rapid evaluation of candidates based on existing technologies;
- development of fast and reliable tools that go beyond the state of the art for detection of COVID-19 carriers and symptomatic individuals suspected of COVID-19 infection.
Reminder: Preventive vaccines are specifically excluded from the scope of the Call.
For full details of the topic, including the budget breakdown and the General Conditions for the Call for proposals, click on the links above (which take you directly to the relevant page of the Participant Portal) or read the IMI2 – Call 21 Text.
Applicants are also strongly advised to read this questions and answers document.
Indicative budget
- From EFPIA companies and IMI2 Associated Partners: to be defined based upon selected proposals
- From the IMI2 JU: EUR 45 000 000
Key dates and deadlines
- Draft topic texts published: 17 February 2020
- Publication date: 3 March 2020
- Submission start date: 3 March 2020
- Submission deadline: 31 March 2020
How to apply
All documents relating to the Call can be found via the Funding and Tenders Portal and the IMI2 Call documents page, in particular the IMI Manual for evaluation, submission and grant award – version 1.7.
Proposals must be submitted via the electronic submission system of the Funding and Tenders Portal. To start submitting your proposal, simply click on the relevant topic above – this will take you directly to that topic’s page on the Participant Portal. Once there, scroll down and click on ‘Start submission’.
Detailed guidance on how to submit a proposal, including a detailed user manual and frequently asked questions, can be found under the Submit a Proposal section of the Participant Portal Horizon 2020 Online Manual.
To submit a proposal via the electronic submission system, applicants will need to have an EU Login account and ensure that their organisation is registered as a beneficiary.
Useful information
- Sign up to / catch up on the IMI2 – Call 21 webinar.
- Read our tips for applicants and advice on finding project partners.
Get support
Contact the IMI Programme Office.
Looking for local support? Contact your local States Representatives Group member or your local National Contact Point (NCP).
Please note IMI2 JU’s corrigendum (of 5 March 2020) addressing a clerical error on page 12 of a previous release of the IMI2 JU Call 21 Call for proposals document and confirming that applicants should submit a proposal with a page limit of 70 pages.