The three EU funded MedTech Open Innovation Testbed (OITB) projects TBMED, MDOC and SAFE-N-MEDTECH have initiated a call for expressions of interest from MedTech providers and HealthTech SMEs performing COVID-19-related developments, in order to provide them with unique services for a faster translation to the market. The three projects have indeed allocated part a significant of their budgets to include new case studies in their on-going projects. Below, you will find all useful information to apply to this Joint OITB call before October 2nd, 5PM CET and get unique expertise to transform your innovation into a game changer in the fight against the pandemic.

OITBs & context
The novel corona virus causing COVID-19 overwhelmed Europe and the world in just a few weeks’ time : it has spread to over 210 countries, infected more than 18.5 million people, and claimed over seven hundred thousand lives in the last months. Open Innovation Test Beds – OITBs are EU-funded European innovation networks answering the needs of novel medical technologies providers, helping them finding better solutions, more quickly, even under urgent conditions such as the COVID-19 outbreak.
Hence, the three MedTech Open Innovation Testbed (OITB) projects TBMED, MDOT and SAFE-N-MEDTEC have joined forces to provide services to selected innovators and help them reach the market faster in this particular context, to include them as new case studies in their on-going projects.
Why & how to apply?
The 3 OITBs open their respective service for free to selected applicants, providing them in-kind support in many domains of MedTech, at many levels of the value chain, depending on their innovative project, their domain, and their particular needs. Innovative SMEs, companies, start-ups and applied research institutions working on the development of solutions to fight the virus will be able to apply to this call. Check the 3 OITBs profile below, find the one which matches the current needs of your project, and accelerate your path to the market by answering their call before October 2nd, 5PM CET.

TBMED offers services to SMEs from the high-risk medical devices sector, particularly with regard to characterization, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and the forecast of patient prognosis related to COVID-19. Such services include, among others, early dialogues with the Basque HTA office, expert advice for regional and/or multinational clinical trials on COVID-19 and the assessment of needs of such companies regarding clinical trials.

MDOT members develop routines and processes to accelerate the conformity assessment of medical devices, offer consultation regarding regulatory affairs and technology development in the fields of inhalation technologies and environmental sensors.

SAFE-N-MEDTECH with its key expertise in nano-enabled medical technologies, offers characterization, preclinical validation, access to biobanks and patient samples, scale up and regulatory support, technology assessment and horizon scanning.
What is the NOBEL Project doing to help fighting COVID19?
As a Coordination and Support Action dedicated to the convergence of emerging Health Technologies in Europe, the NOBEL Project is indeed mobilized during the pandemic and wants to bring its contribution. Please find an introductions our strategic vision on how HealthTech providers and decision makers may improve Europe’s readiness to tackle future pandemics, notably by using the useful framework of the Continuum of Care, in the following article: “The protagonists of health technologies are preparing for the post #COVID19″.
#GlobalResponse #UnitedAgainstCoronovirus #StrongerTogether