Do you develop a great innovation in healthcare? Discover the HealthTech TAB our unique service providing European HealthTech innovators with strategic advice & custom support to help them transform their medical inventions in successful businesses!

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What can the TAB bring you?
The HealthTech TAB is a custom mentoring service for selected HealthTech innovators in Europe, free-of-charge for its beneficiaries. Our core team of industry experts & entrepreneurs, with a broad range of complementary backgrounds & skills, will give you tailored support to help you transform your medical invention in a successful business!
Proven value
For the last 6 years, the HealthTech TAB has been helping 110+ projects to develop and scale-up. It has participated to a significant number of success stories of European HealthTech. Meet our beneficiaries in the movie : they are the best to describe the support they got from our experts.
How to apply?
Easily: fill-in the online form on and be sure to get feedback. We will then fix a meeting with 2 of our experts, chosen with regards with your project and needs.